Self-Medication Summary 2017-12-20 Tuesday

My self-medication teacher, Mr. Ku Xing is opening free self-medication classes every Tuesday 9:30-12-00 in the morning 13:30-16:30 in the afternoon and Wednesday 13:30-16:30 in the afternoon 18:30-21:00 at night. Please feel free to call +886 (02)23336-8581 or (02)2222-7646 for more information about free classes and location.

This brief summary will just include some health and disease questions that student asked on the day.

Cramp : Lock of Magnesium; Take Magnesium Citrate. 抽筋 : 鎂不夠; 吃檸檬酸鎂來補充鎂。

Inflammation : Lock of Water, Histamine raise, Antihistamine decrease; Drink enough water per day. 發炎 : 水喝不夠,組織胺上升,抗組織胺下降; 每天都要喝夠水。

Random Tumor in Liver : Take Vitamin C, Noni Enzyme, Curcumin, relax and touch your pudendum(will explain more about this later on). 肝小腫瘤 : 吃維他命C,諾麗酵素,薑黃酵素,放鬆摸陰部。

Sexual Education : the education of how to respect the female (Mr. Ku Xing’s definition for sexual education). 性教育 : 尊重女性的教育(苦行老師的見解)。

Calcification : Lost of Magnesium, Lost of Vitamin A, Lost of cholesterol; Linseed oil(Flax seed oil) 20cc per day, Vitamin E 3 grain per day, Vitamin C 6000mg per day, Magnesium Citrate 3 tbs per day, Lecithin 6 tbs per day, Noni Enzyme 50cc per day. 鈣化 : 鎂流失,維他命A流失導致黏膜不夠,膽固醇流失; 亞麻仁油1天20cc,維他命E1天3粒,維他命C1天6000mg, 檸檬酸鎂1天3匙,卵磷脂1天6匙,諾麗酵素1天50cc。

Rice Water Separation Diet : really unhealthy way to loose weight because once you do not have enough water while eating, the acid will damage your gastric wall(stomach wall), and your body will keep inflamed. 飯水分離 : 不要做! 非常不健康,水喝不夠胃酸會破壞胃壁,身體就會持續發炎。

Ketogenic Diet : not a good way of diet, you will get hepatotoxicity or ketosis(or ketoacidosis) by doing it. 生酮飲食 :  也不好,久了會肝中毒,酮中毒,嚴重的會死亡。

Correct way of Fasting: Enough water, eat cold-pressed coconut oil and green algae tablet, do not take it if you don’t feel hungry, just drink water. 正確斷食法 : 喝水,餓了吃椰子油跟綠藻,不餓就不用吃。

*Please ask your Nutritionist for the amount that fit you*