The Cheerful Photograph

Smiling Basket, Taipei, 2018

As I had read the article “The Cheerful Photographer” by Eric Kim this morning, I found out a sentence that he said really cheers me a lot that I would lovely to share it.

Even if the concept has been done before in photography, YOU HAVEN’T DONE IT YET.” by Eric Kim

Before I started my design progress or shoot a photo, the first thing usually comes in my mind is “did someone done this before? if yes, I don’t want to do the same, I want to be special and unique” then I got stock because I need to come out a brand new thing that people never seen that before! It is good thing if I really design something that never existed, but it does not happen that often.

Therefore, when I read this article and see these words, it really leads me to a new direction that I haven’t tried before. I feel that at least give it a try by yourself, maybe you can discover a new idea while doing it.

For myself, I love to see people smile, so my idea of a cheerful photo for now would be the photos which can bring people smile.