其實一開始聽到小愛的粉專名稱的時候,真的覺得這人明明長得混血(一定要幫她強調)又時尚,怎麼取一個很古代的粉專名稱啊?! (希望當事人看到不要檢舉或投訴我)
一味讚美麻豆的好的文章我想大家一定看到爛掉,加上小愛自信超高,個性放得開,又很有自己的想法(她對喜歡的相片很有主見!!!); 我就寫寫對她首拍的真實印象吧!
比起其它資深麻豆,對很多「資深」攝影來說,小愛可能比較需要溝通跟動作指導,可是,在她同意的情況許可下,你是可以直接接觸她幫助她擺好你想要的動作的,這對很多志不在拍照的攝影來說,應該是一大「福利」吧?! (因為根據我在圈內多年來的觀察,真正來看妹子的遠比來拍的多太多了… 但又不能一付完全不會拍的樣子,所以都要裝裝小專業) 何況我對動作真的沒有很有意見,我喜歡自然一點的姿勢,所以我通常對麻豆的動作意見都不多,反正我會找我自己覺得喜歡的角度去拍,不管麻豆擺什麼pose; 但對於大多直接從正面對決狂K的攝影師們來說,可能真的很重要。
有興趣約她拍照的朋友們,歡迎加入她的粉專! (https://www.facebook.com/ParadiseLoveO or https://twitter.com/OParadiseLoveO)
因為有簽保密的關系,所以有很多不能po的秘密(咪咪)就不方便放上來,只能放放經麻豆本人同意的照片啦! 我真的覺得要把街拍風格帶進棚拍真的還需要一段時間的練習和實驗,繼續努力! (後來才知當天還有某網紅大尺攝影大大也在場…)

Long story short, Paradise Love, yes, that is her model name direct translate from Mandarin; a little bit old school to me, but that’s not the point. Love is not even counted as an amateur model to most photographers, so if you were looking for a pro amateur model, she is not the option. However, if you really want to shoot some causal pretty girl in real life, she is the one.
Love can be adorable as the selfies you seen on her fan page, and she can also be charming and pose sexy if you requested while shooting. She is also willing to shoot uncensored images, but you have to unlock “it”; ask her if you needed more detail about “it”!
I strongly recommend her to those who are tired of pro amateur model, and want to shoot someone with a fresh feeling.
Here is the link to her fan page : ( https://www.facebook.com/ParadiseLoveO or https://twitter.com/OParadiseLoveO ) feel free to join her fan page and enjoy the fan activities.
more picture at #paradiseloveproject