This is why I no longer read the news in Taiwan

Yesterday while I was chatting with my family on LINE, and saw the news about the following days’ weather condition. I do not really care about the weather, but this girl on the feature image caught my attention, so I clicked the news but came out the totally different image in the article.

All the sudden, it reminds me why I stop reading news in Taiwan, cause the way they present the news is always with horrifying topic, sensational images, or incomplete sentence for the title; CTR (click through rate) is all they care about.

For all the people around the world especially Taiwanese, stop reading those news which are not reflect the real life, and stop letting the social media to hold your back so you can stay yourself instead of “be yourself” or “do yourself” (the slogan that I believed most commonly used by the Taiwanese around the world)

– Stay you and Love yourself

by Charlie

在用LINE跟家人聊天的時候突然看到新聞上面有個妹子 (認識我的朋友們一定都知道,天氣什麼的新聞我怎麼可能點來看) ,所以我就手賤的給他點進去了,一進去秒後悔,因為我忘了台灣的新聞不是標題內容不符,就是下聳動標題配上不實內容。

