The best way to love yourself? Stay Healthy!

If you are really one of the friends that has done reading many of my articles carefully, you will see that I always mention loving yourself at the end to empower everyone.

Why? and how? Be healthy or stay as healthy as possible. The idea is simple, without a healthy body and mind, you won’t able to do anything.

Been a foreign student for many years in the USA, the thing that I cared the most is really stay healthy. You are not allow to get sick in the foreign country. Not only the health insurance is extremely expensive in the states, you just have no energy to study or do works while got sick.

Same as universal love, you have to love yourself first, once you understand how to love yourself, treat yourself nicely, being selfish, then you start understanding what love is, then you spread out the love. Only when you stay healthy or be healthy, you have the energy and time to help others to be as healthy as you.

referral – why be healthy? by Eric Kim