Ethics or Morality is for introspection

Read a quote by Eric Kim

His ethical thoughts:

My basic gist is yes … it is OK to piss off, annoy, or even mildly annoy people in street photography and photography in general. It’s all part of the game.”

It reminds me an article I wrote before, people love applying ethics or morality on others, but they all forget that ethics or morality is for a person to rethink or introspect themselves in order to be a greater or better person; it is not a rule or law for you to force others to obey.

However, it is way easier to judge people or to apply ethics on others than deeply study yourself. Especially when someone seeing others doing something that he or she are afraid of doing and successful, he or she start using ethical thoughts to judge that person, this is just ridiculous.

Same as what I mentioned in the article about Fuji and Tatsuo Susuki san, so many self-called photographer or photographer who is not as great or as famous as Susuki san in street photography field, start putting so much ethical pressure on susuki san’s way of shooting street photography and criticizing him on their youtube channels.

But shouldn’t you proving your greatness by taking more and share more photos? Again, it is easier to criticize someone to make you greater than actually creating great things…