Traditional studio photos are boring

My lovely niece Jessie recently (well, not really recently, it was like last December… XD) turned ONE, and her parents had a studio photo activity of “Zhuazhou (one-year-old catch)” for her.

For whatever reason, the photos were so boring to me.

But anyway, this not I am focusing on today.

Couple of days later, I saw a photo book of Jessie made by her mother’s friend. Most of pictures were took by her mom, I love the photos, its way better than those studio photos they had taken. However, the layout of the book does not look so sexy to me.

Since I love taking both Jessie’s and her brother Jasper’s photos when I got the chance, I decide to lay them out and print it out myself as magazine instead of heavy photo book.

I will show you guys the result once the magazines are printed; I believe my cross-pollinate practice as designer and street photographer will come out a nice zine I loved.



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