A thought during the COVID quarantine from May 2021 to now, I had to worry about my expense the whole time just because I did not charge enough or the correct price for my design service in the past because of what I called “the fake kindness”.
You believed you charge less so you would get more clients in the future; never happened.
You believed you charge less so people would pleased you for your kindness when they were out of budget; the truth is, they just never think about spend too much money on design service cause they do not believe it is worthy. And, they charge shit out of money from their customers with your design.
There are way more examples can talk about, but lets just cut it off right here.
I learned and become more serious about how to value myself during the quarantine.

我以為,因為我的假好心(違背自己的心)降低收費甚至不收費,會為我帶來更多的客戶; 結果是,從沒發生過…
我以為,因為我的假好心(還是違背自己的心)在朋友或客戶有預算壓力的時候,降低收費是在做善事積人脈; 結論是,單純覺得不想花錢在設計費上而已,且不記得你的好就算了,還是利用你的設計去賺一大筆你分不到的錢…