Welcome to the site! Copyright is first made to empower people to produce more and to respect the producers, but in the late 20th century and early 21st century, Copyright become the weapon for gigantic corporations to secure their ideas and money.
I used to think like most of the people around the world that copyright is super important to secure your projects your ideas or especially your money! But from what I learned from an instructor in college had told us that if the project you created could be easily proofed 30% different from the original or somebody call they were original, it is not against the copyright; it is a NEW thing.
Especially the world we lived today, you can mostly and easily google everything that you need, you might easily find out someone has the same idea or similar project as you just come out your mind. Then people start to worry about if they make this or make that will against someone’s copyright and got sued; NEW thing never come out…
Just ask one simple question, one brain compare with million brains around the world, which can produce more information and ideas? Simply the second one. I didn’t mean more is better, but we all get inspired or learned from what we see, what we read, and what we heard. Having conversation with new people, reading new books, or even watching new videos on YouTube, really helps me to think more think bigger think deeper ,and think wider when I design the project for the clients. Therefore, I wish my personal experience or information shared on this site could help more people, to inspire, to empower you and them no matter what filed you are working at now.
The first time I heard about the word COPYLEFT is from a YouTube video shared by the one of the most creative person Eric Yao, the founder of https://www.dxmonline.com/, Mr. Yao’s words really refresh my mind, and I will share more information I learned from his video in the newly future. At the end of the video, he simply shared how he felt about that copyright does not actually make the world better, make the world prettier, or make people design better because the lack of new information or lack of creativity. So, he prefers COPYLEFT, he believed by sharing the information or ideas to others, the prettier, the better, and the more creative thinking will come out.
Therefore, I wanted to make a personal vow to always keep the information on this blog open and free for anyone to use, remix, or share. All information here is COPYLEFT reserved.
The future is all about sharing!
– New Taipei, Taiwan, 2017/12/15