Why I do not like most of the wedding photos by Taiwanese studio these days?

Why? cause most of the photographers are “MAKING” photos instead of “TAKING” photos.

I had been wedding photography assistant for two years, and what I saw the most time photographers spent with? Photoshopping the photos at studio…

We usually spend about 8 to 10 hours including make-up and commute time shooting photos outside or in the studio, and photographers usually get around 300 photos for the day, then we went back to studio, and start deleting photos were out focused or photos the photographer did not like.

Then, they start fixing the face, the skin, try to make the face and skin as smooth as hell with Photoshop!!! Every other photographers in the studio are doing the same thing!!!

I am not telling you not to fix photos with photoshop, but what I want to tell you is, it just make all the wedding photos in Taiwan look more similar than dissimilar no matter who or where you shoot the photos.

No wonder more and more couples will love to spend more money to shoot extra wedding video, cause it is more interesting and fun then their wedding photos which only sit on the front desk of their wedding party, and no one really check the photo book or photo postcards…

If anyone in Taiwan want to try a completely different way of shooting wedding photos and print them. Please contact me by e-mail. Let’s surprise the wedding photography environment .


我自己做過兩年的婚攝助理,我個人觀察到的就是,雖然我們會花一天的時間在戶外或棚內拍照,但也就是一天。之後呢? 你就看到每個攝影師都在開始挑照片,糊掉或覺得真的不好的照片就先挑掉,之後就開始了PS大戰修修臉或拉拉皮; 這花的時間,可能還比出去拍一天照的時間還久啊! 更不用說現在一堆在玩看誰「後製」厲害的照片?!

我不是反對ps或後製,我只是單純認為,因為大家都做了這些事之後,真的幾乎哪一家婚攝的照片看起來都大同小異,沒有特色。那這樣不就是失去特別挑攝影公司和外景的目的了嗎? 因為最後看起來,都差不多啊?!

也難怪愈來愈多新人會另外請錄影團隊來製作婚禮紀錄片,因為看起來更真實也更有趣,即使你後製或加特效,但你影片本身不太會去動到,所以大家也更愛看! 大家去參加婚禮的時候,如果有在注意,有多少來參加的客人,真的認真看完你們的婚紗相本和其它周邊?




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