Why black and white video?

I wrote about why black and white photo before, and today, I am going to share why my youtube channel were mostly black and white videos.

It is pretty simple, during a color booming era we lived in now, there are tons of videos with facing cover photo, front page whatever you call it. People start using less imagination with their brain.

However, with black and white video, our brain will automatically work if you need to imaging the color or the color you think should be.

I am trying to help people who ever watched my video can not only enjoy my videos, also forced practicing their brain secretly and unintentionally.

為什麼都是黑白影片? Charlie這人是不是很黑暗、陰沉、還是很悲觀? 其實都不是,我放上黑白影片的原因只是單純希望看我影片的人,能夠不自覺的運作平時很少在運轉利用的大腦。

其實我們的大腦在看到黑白影像的時候,會自動的去填補和告知我們,這些黑白的地方,原本的顏色可能會是怎麼樣的? 就像如果看到蘋果,我們的大腦就會主動的去告訴我們,我們記憶中的蘋果的顏色,同時間,大腦的想像力就開始運作了,這也是一般上班族或追劇的人,極少利用到的大腦的部分,至於原理是什麼? 歡迎大家自己去查,或等我哪天有在書上看到,我再另外寫一篇來告訴大家!~