It is better to be more aggressive while taking street photography, why? It is obvious, and more openly and honestly. Everyone can easily tell what you are doing.
A thought while viewing other photographer’s review about GRIIIx, same as many photographers’ opinions I read before, 40mm or 35mm seems better while taking photo on the street, why? cause you do have to step too close and making people felt offended.
Well, to me, it is sneak peeking because people wont notice you are taking their photo, it does not take courage to do it, and the photo usually came out boring to me.
I even see many people using cannon liked lens to take street photo, what the fuxk are you guys sneak peeking for?
Street photography take guts, just be more aggressive, you are not hurting people by your camera, if the person does not want you to take their photo, just ignore or apologize later.
“Shoot more! BS less!