Why not Japan included? I am sorry, but I don’t see any popular amateur e-zine in Japan online; if there is one, please let me know.
OK, let’s start~
I am not talking about the skill level or which country’s amateur models are prettier or sexier.
I mean, I like the way how Korean photographers and models processing or producing the photos; another word, the workflow.
I see the Korean photos are more prepared ahead, instead, Chinese and Taiwanese photographers tend to like fix after.
For example, if you don’t want the viewer to see any pop-out hairs not only on their skin, but also through their bikini or underwear; Korean photographers or models will shave or laser the hair really clean before the shooting. However, The Chinese or Taiwanese photographers and models love shave the hair with Photoshop, which makes the fixing spot super obvious and weird; even a mosaic can do a better job than Photoshop shaving.
Another example, instead of hiding the nipples or teats with weird PS spotlight or strange stickers that Chinese and Taiwanese photographers commonly used; The Korean photographers or models will tap them, yup even the vaginal area. And most importantly, no PS wiping out the taps.
I understand there is always an urban legend about Korean ladies are usually have plastic surgery which everyone knows is not true.
However, I prefer plastic surgery way over Computer surgery or Photoshop surgery which makes the models does not look like a human being at all.
Always remember, “set it, and forget it”