Why Number 2?

I understand many friends might say, why number 2? why don’t just call yourself number 1 street photographer in Taiwan?

Well, let me share my thought with you.

If you were a sports fan, I am sure you will familiar with the most controversial discussion in any almost any sports, such as who is the best player in the NBA? who is the best pitcher all time? who is the best scorer in soccer? blah blah blah

And you will see many different answers from different people, but what is funny is, no one talk about who is the second best?

I am not saying I or you are not great enough to be number 1 or greatest of all time, but I just share how you can promote yourself online today.

Since everyone has their ideal number 1, then don’t call yourself number 1 even you were confident you are.

If google ranking you number 1, of course you are easily to be found online, but if not, then how can you be found?

Number one is a trap, why? I assume most people think they were the best of all time as we do, then what? if you type number one street photographer in google, you gonna get so many different names if they were called the number one street photographer, and your name might not be on the first page of search result.

But what if you called yourself the number two of Chinese food chief, number two pianist, number two artist, and such… I think you will be found on google easily cause no one will ever call themselves number two. Everyone wants to number one, but what if number one is a trap?