Solo entrepreneur, Solo gamer

I do play mobile games sometime, mostly Japanese games that I can play just myself almost 95% of time; only in some special events that force you to team up with other players, otherwise, it is nearly impossible to break the game alone.

Now, here comes the interesting things. Most of the higher level players do not want to team up with the players with lower level because they also need help from players with higher level. It simply means, if you didn’t pay a lot of money into the game, you are closely impossible to get special weapons, characters, or powers from the event.

Does it really matter? not really, you don’t require those special weapons, characters, powers, you can still finish the game. But if you are collecting special prizes as part of you goal of the game, it does matter.

Back to the topic, what I would like to share is, playing the game as a team is like doing corporate works with others. It is not fun and really holding you back.

Why? People with better skills or more experiences do like to share with others, people with non-skill do want to do anything to get the reward; so why force these kind of people in the same team to hold everyone back?

Just do it solo~