
It’s all about competing, not copying or stealing
Shot with NOMO INS W.Shot with NOMO INS W.Shot with NOMO INS W.Shot with NOMO INS W. Recently a incident in Taiwan about whether a winning song is copied or stole idea from the very old classical song in the past. To me, the point is not about copy or…
原本的一番賞對客人跟店家來說都是第三方,所以它就是一個很單純的抽獎。 但自製一番賞可沒有第三方這種東西,只有莊家跟閒家,而且還可以針對獎項或金額討價還價,這不就是最原始的賭博行為嗎???

This is why I no longer read the news in Taiwan
Yesterday while I was chatting with my family on LINE, and saw the news about the following days’ weather condition. I do not really care about the weather, but this girl on the feature image caught my attention, so I clicked the news but came out the totally different image…