Why do people still talking about copyright in 2024?

Copyright remains a significant topic in 2024 due to its profound impact on various aspects of modern life, especially in the realms of creativity, technology, and digital media. Here are some key reasons why copyright continues to be a major discussion point:

1. Digital Content Explosion

  • Ubiquity of Digital Media: The internet has made it incredibly easy to create, share, and distribute digital content. With the proliferation of social media, streaming services, and online publishing platforms, copyright issues frequently arise regarding the use, reproduction, and distribution of creative works.
  • Ease of Copying: Digital formats make it simple to duplicate and share content, which can lead to unauthorized use or infringement. This raises concerns about protecting intellectual property while balancing accessibility.

2. Evolving Technology

  • AI and Automation: Advances in artificial intelligence and automation have introduced new challenges in copyright. AI tools can generate text, images, music, and more, leading to questions about who owns the rights to AI-generated content and how copyright laws apply to these new creations.
  • Blockchain and NFTs: The rise of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has created new ways to buy, sell, and verify ownership of digital art and other creative works. This technology is challenging traditional concepts of copyright and ownership.

3. Globalization and Jurisdiction

  • International Discrepancies: Different countries have varying copyright laws, which can complicate enforcement and protection of intellectual property on a global scale. As content crosses borders, understanding and navigating these differences becomes crucial.
  • International Treaties: Global agreements like the Berne Convention seek to harmonize copyright laws across countries, but issues persist regarding how effectively these treaties are enforced and updated.

4. Fair Use and Public Access

  • Balancing Rights: The concept of fair use, which allows for limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes like criticism, commentary, or education, continues to be debated. Finding the right balance between protecting creators’ rights and allowing public access to information is an ongoing challenge.
  • Creative Commons: The rise of Creative Commons licenses, which allow creators to specify how their works can be used, reflects the desire to provide more flexible options for sharing while still retaining some level of control over their creations.

5. Enforcement and Piracy

  • Online Piracy: The illegal distribution of copyrighted material remains a significant issue. Efforts to combat piracy involve complex legal and technological strategies, and copyright holders continue to seek effective ways to protect their works.
  • Legal Battles: High-profile copyright infringement cases often draw attention and spark broader discussions about the fairness and effectiveness of current laws.

6. Economic Impact

  • Revenue and Royalties: Copyright plays a crucial role in ensuring that creators, artists, and businesses receive compensation for their work. Changes in how content is consumed and monetized affect revenue streams and the financial viability of creative industries.


Copyright continues to be a topic of intense discussion because it touches on fundamental issues of ownership, creativity, and access in an ever-evolving digital landscape. As technology and cultural practices change, so too do the challenges and debates surrounding copyright, making it a relevant and dynamic area of legal and social discourse in 2024.