charlie yang


Eric wrote many articles about charging money for you service and products, I really agree with that. However, for some reasons I am still looking for people or working on letting people willing to pay for my service or products happily not under any kind of pressure. I think my service is worthy and should


News are all made up

Just read Eric’s “all news is fake news“. I feel this article is just right for all Taiwanese people. The society seems follow whatever the news told us, no one is having their own opinion anymore. People stop thinking, imaging, or creating, everything we talked about is what we already read on the news. A

News are all made up Read More »

Let’s make our commuting experience greater

2020年6月6號下午12:27,橘5司機行經聯合醫院板橋院區(龍泉街)站,貪圖左轉英士路方便,不顧公車站有媽媽陪同兩位未滿小學的幼童,未打方向燈靠站停靠,便於公車格外或壓在公車格線上的位置停下打開車門供乘客上下車。 因為前幾天跟家人搭307公車回家的路上,才遇到下車的高中女學生,因為公車司機未靠站停車就放行乘客下車,加上台灣機車騎士很愛鑽公車和公車站間的空檔加速行駛通過的壞習慣,結果在下車的那一秒就被後方騎士撞上,還好外面看起來沒什麼事,希望檢查後也一切平安。 所以我上車的時候就問了司機一句,「停這麼遠這樣對嗎?」 司機無回應,等那媽媽和兩小朋友上車就座後,司機才用語帶挑釁的口吻連續問我「先生,怎麼樣嗎? 先生,怎麼樣嗎?…」 我直接回他,「你停這麼遠,小朋友要上車,出事你要負責嗎?」 他很不爽的碎念了幾句,不過很小聲,我不清楚他說了什麼。 可能朋友會問,那你客訴他就好啦?! 大家知道,公車司機在台灣很操且並沒有那麼偉大好賺,所以你搞走一個,要再請一個並不容易,所以大部分公司就算接到客訴也只能忍氣吞聲,睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,所以客訴真的單純浪費時間。 不如大家一起來把自己平常生活遇到司機違規的事情分享出來,讓這些業者良心發現、自我省思。 我知道公車司機壓力很大,但不代表你可以發洩在乘客的生命安全上,何況這工作是你自己選的,沒有人強迫你,你受不了,就要勇敢向公司發聲,不然就不要做,沒有人拿刀逼你,你不願意換工作,只是因為你不敢,而不是因為你做不到。 很多人會說,換工作哪那麼容易,是不容易,但不是做不到,不然,你可以做做小本生意,顧好身體最重要。 我其實是很同情司機大哥大姐們的,路長途的,長個廁所的時間也沒有,個個不到50、60,身體都快爛掉了,這樣的人生有意義嗎? 所以我希望每個人都能把遇到的違規的事情都分享出來,讓國家、人民、業者正視這件事情,讓大家都能真正的平平安安出門、快快樂樂回家! 而不是口號喊一喊,喊完你爽我爽大家爽一時半刻就好了。 LOVE YOURSELF CHARLIE

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The Interior design of Luxury Apartment in Taiwan is just not sexy at all…

Watch a video on youtube about the most expensive luxury apartment in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Believe it or not, if you don’t watch it carefully, the interior design still looks the same as the design two decades ago… expensive marble everywhere, meaningless artworks everywhere not for showing your taste of aesthetic but just how

The Interior design of Luxury Apartment in Taiwan is just not sexy at all… Read More »