Why keep raising founds?

https://www.zeczec.com/projects/woky-770ml/updates/32492 Found raising website suppose to help teams have great ideas but lock of money, however, more and more teams are just using the website to sell the products without paying their own money before; it becomes more like a pre-order website than a found raising website.

Why keep raising founds? Read More »

Intellectual property were first mentioned in the 17th century, and should stay at 17th century

According to Wikipedia, intellectual property rights were first mentioned in the 17th century by a French scholar called Capzov. It is 400 years after, intellectual property should stay at 17th century, or at least not for corporations to sue others and earn more money. Originality is overrated, especially in our century and mostly everyone in

Intellectual property were first mentioned in the 17th century, and should stay at 17th century Read More »


我個人覺得間照在台灣的實用性非常低,除了讓你的房間看起來很酷很潮,真的沒有什麼實質用處,或者說,必要用到的情況不多。 有人可能會說,氣氛啊! 但你真的會為了電影,每次都塑造電影院的氣氛,打電動的時候,就塑造打電動的氣氛嗎? 或者在收到第一次的電費後,你還會持繼開著間接照明嗎? 為什麼我會說間照在台灣的實用性的真的不高,很多原因,第一,浪費電,這是多數台灣人的文化,燈開多開久了就會覺得浪費電。 再來,多數人白天都不在家,晚上才回到家,加上台灣的日照時間比高緯度國家來得短,下午5、6點就可能天黑了,這時候你回到家,也不可能只開間照,因為一定不夠亮,但你也不會間照和直接照明一起開,因為會太亮。 當然,也會有人晚上把間照開著,讓房間不要那麼暗,怕晚上起來上廁所或喝水什麼的,至少還看得到; 但是,同樣的事,小夜燈不就也做得到? 其實還有其它原因,改天想到再跟大家聊~ 我覺得大多時候,不是設計師,就是客戶本身,就覺得人家豪宅有、高級飯店或餐廳有,我們雖然買不起豪宅,但人家有的設計,我也可以有; 而不是去想,我為什麼要有? 各位想像一下,大象看老鷹有翅膀,牠也想要有翅膀,但請問,大象裝上翅膀就能飛了嗎? 人家小飛象可是用耳朵飛的啊!(誤) 間照變成是心態問題,而不是實用問題了。

為什麼台灣設計師很愛替住家設計間接照明? Read More »