

「OO」可以填入任何人、事、物,呂敬來師傅雖然把這句話用在食物上,但我覺得這句話真的是非常適合跟外國人用來說明台灣的一句話,很有深度。 台灣人其實常常喜歡說什麼是代表台灣的人、事、物,但在我看來,其實都不足以代表台灣。 例如說,台灣人很愛說牛肉麵、滷肉飯、珍奶、雞排這些食物是代表台灣的食物,但真的是嗎? 拿我自己舉例,我一個星期或一個月也不見得會吃得上面的東西,你們會每天吃嗎? 我覺得也不會吧? 那連台灣人自己都沒有每天吃的東西,卻能代表台灣,不是很奇怪嗎? 但就像呂敬來大師說的一樣,雖然上面的食物不能代表整個台灣,但,你不能否認這些食物都是台灣不可或缺的食物,少了上面任何一樣,都不是台灣。

不能代表全部的台灣,但是台灣不可或缺的OO Read More »

How would Ahn Sung Jae photograph his dishes in a street photography style?

If Ahn Sung Jae were to capture his dishes through the lens of street photography, his approach would likely reflect the same principles that define both his culinary and creative processes: authenticity, spontaneity, and attention to detail. Here’s how I imagine he would photograph his dishes: 1. Focus on Raw Details Street photography is about

How would Ahn Sung Jae photograph his dishes in a street photography style? Read More »