Believe it or not? my bottle of water does talk
One day I got a bottle of water form the freezer, maybe I did not twist the cap tie enough, so the air was leaking while the water was melting. And it sounds like the water is talking, so I just record it and put it on Podcast. 有天晚上,我把礦泉水從冷凍庫拿出來,可能是因為我沒有關很緊,所以在冰水融化的過程中,有空氣跑出來。 因為這聲音持續很久,感覺就像水在說話一樣,所以我就決定把它錄下來然後放在Podcast上讓大家聽聽看這有趣的聲音,完全沒有後製,直出啊!~~~ LOVE YOURSELF CHARLIE C YANG
Believe it or not? my bottle of water does talk Read More »