How to make models fall in love with your camera

不知道大家在看到有fu的外拍照的時候,有沒有一種,照片裡的麻豆,眼神充滿了愛的感覺? 通常這如果不是麻豆本身太強大,真的是要攝影者本身和麻豆有一定的默契或者是有相當程度的信任和互動才有辦法做到。

所以今天想跟大家分享一下如何讓麻豆愛上你…的相機; 當然,如果你能讓麻豆不只愛上你的相機還愛上你,那你也真的很厲害啦!~


小技巧一: 邊拍邊熟悉彼此,

什麼意思呢? 意思就是,得失心不要太重,不要期待你們第一次見面的第一張照片甚至前一百張照片就會有你滿意或喜歡的照片。 再者,你是約人家拍照的,不是約人家吃飯聊天的,所以在聊天的時候,也不要忘了要按快門。 很多人覺得拍照的時候,麻豆就是要乖乖不動擺好美美的pose給你拍才專業或才會有好照片,但這也是為什麼我會建議大家把街拍時的態度跟方法帶進外拍的原因,因為街拍有趣的地方就是不想錯過任何一個有趣的畫面或瞬間。 各位想想,麻豆在跟你聊天互動所展露的自然表情跟她們的職業表情,你覺得那種表情會比較有趣? 比較難能可貴? 大家要知道,自然流露的表情可是錯過就不見得有機會再遇到的瞬間,所以我才會建議大家在聊天認識彼此的過程中,也不要忘了按快門!

小技巧二: 不要太在意時間(計畫),

這邊講的不要在意不是說叫大家不要準時或拍照給人家拍超時又不補費用,而是,既然是私約了,就不見得要像外拍活動的時候那麼制式化,一定要拍滿三件,一件拍多久就要讓麻豆休息或去換衣服。 根據我跟朋友的經驗,有時候感覺對了,一件拍到底也是常發生的事情,因為fu對了、來了,你根本連停下來休息的想法都不會有。 所以我跟朋友私約的時候,我們都是讓麻豆想休息的時候就休息,或者我們在討論景點、服裝、器材、光線…等的時候,我們就會請麻豆休息稍等我們一下,過程中,能把麻豆當朋友般對待不給多餘的壓力就盡量做到。 這樣接下來的拍攝過程,麻豆也會更自然、放鬆,大家自然也更有機會拍到喜歡和滿意的照片。

小技巧三: 站近一點吧!!!

大家不要覺得我在開玩笑或唬爛,誰有看過站得離對方超遠但你還能深深感受到他們之間的愛意的戀人嗎? 這事應該只有在牛郎織女這對全宇宙最雖小的神話情侶上才會發生吧? 所以如果你已經跟麻豆間有了某種程度上的默契了,請你不要再拿著長焦或變焦鏡站得遠遠的拍攝了,請記住你今天是私約,不是參加外拍活動,不需要擔心擋到很多人,站近一點拍,反正會覺得你站太近會害羞的也是麻豆不是你(誤),因為我相信大多數拍攝者的腦中,只有相機視窗裡的畫面而已!(男人大多真的不浪漫啊…) 所以不管麻豆當下的想法是什麼,如果她真的有感到一絲絲的害羞,那其實你有更多的機會補捉她充滿愛意的眼神,因為女生在害羞的時候,我相信眼神大部分都是充滿愛和電力十足的! 反正你的重點也不在麻豆在想什麼嘛! 所以就給它快門按到爆囉!!!(這其實在外拍圈蠻常遇到的,但我真的不知道意義何在…) 又或者,你們算有初步的認識了,然後你有剛好有抓到麻豆的笑點,當然在這時候,你也是可以秀秀你的幽默,如果運氣好,你快門按下的瞬間,麻豆剛好發自內心的噴笑、爆笑、傻笑、狂笑、微笑…隨便她怎麼笑,我也確信這張一定會是一張你今天會滿意的照片之一,因為發自內心笑的的時候的女生,通常眼神也是很有電很有fu的!

其實是不是只有這三種方法還是只有一種方法我自己也不太清楚,我單純是想到什麼就打什麼; 又或者大家看完覺得,這跟你打的標題到底有什麼直接關系啊??? 我自己也不太確定,但我就是很想下這個標題,所以如果大家讀完覺得一點幫助都沒有,歡迎無視我~ XD

I believe we all once had an experience that when you see a portrait image that really catch your attention and you can feel the love or emotion from the model’s eyes. It usually happened if the model is pro enough to express the emotion through his/her eyes easily, or it could be the model and the photographer had built some trust in between for a while.

For us who are still pursuing your lovely shot, good shot, or perfect shot, here are some tips for you to experiment. The tips are about how to let the model fall in love with your camera, and if you can let the model fall in love with you at the same time, that will be awesome!

I will recommend you to try the tips while you have more time to spend and to get familiar with the model, not while you join someone’s portrait shooting activities.

The first tip: get familiar with the model while taking pictures,

I understand many people are very serious about every single picture that they take from the very beginning, they expect most of the pictures are good pictures, so taking photo is what they care about the most. Some other people even believe that model with her “professional faces” is the key point to make an image a “good” photo. If you ever try street photography, you knew that interesting moments do not pause and wait for you to catch them. And don’t forget that you are paying the model for portrait shooting, not for having a meal with you or chatting with you for three hours. Try taking pictures and chatting with the model at the same time; you could get some sweet shots with model’s nature reaction or expression if you were lucky enough. If you miss the moments, you missed it forever.

Second tip: don’t get too serious with the time or the plan,

It does not mean not to meet up on time or shooting extra hours without paying extra fees. It means that you do not have to stick with the plan like when you are join someone else’s portrait shooting actives, be flexible, be randomness and treat the model like your friend. Enjoy the photography flow, the more relax the model felt, the more chances you would get an “interesting” photo.

Third and the most important tip of the day: STAND CLOSER!,

No joking! You ever seen any lovely couple stay far away from each other, and you can still feel the love between them? So stop using the telephoto lens or zoom lens, just stand closer and use the prime lens. Please remember that you are paying for a 1-on-1 portrait shooting, you do not have to worry about blocking someone behind you or you will distract someone while taking pictures. Make eye contact with your model. Yes, some models might feel shy if you stand really close, but you are not feeling the same way because most of photographer would only focus on or only care about what is in the viewfinder. It is good to feel the shyness through model’s eyes because feeling shy is one of the natural reaction for the human being. On the other hand, show some sense of humor if possible; make the model laugh, smile, and giggle! You can easily feel the love, happiness, or emotion through their eyes with their beautiful smile.

Are there only three tips, more tips, or actually just one tips to make the model fall in love with your camera? Well, I cannot guarantee you, but I believe I would come out more tips later if they pops up in my head. The tips might have nothing relate to title I made today, but who cares? I love the title! Hope it will help some of you, if not, just ignore this one, come back, and check out the new articles later on.