How to achieve one step close to the masters?

Shoot more, shoot a lot!

I was one day search some information about the new firmware for gr iii, then I entered the website hold by a GR certified (which means nothing to me..) photographer in Taiwan.

I was looking at his photos shot by his new testing GRIIIx, and suddenly an thought came into my mind; his photos were not as interesting as the photos he shot with GRII long long time ago when I first saw them on his website.

I mean he is considered one of the most recognized living GR master in Taiwan, but, his photos is so boring to me?! He does not seem shooting a lot with his camera, maybe he is saving in his hard disk or cloud drive, but I just do see the differences or improvement in his photos…

I used to try to set up my GRII to shoot the color just like one of his because I really liked the color set up he used at that time.

However, since I was carrying my GRIII with me everything, and I do shoot almost everyday if I saw something interesting.

I really believe that I am the number 1 productive street photographer at least in Taiwan with my own website and blog; I am sure there might be some shoot more than I do or post more than I do on Instagram, but, I do not really care…

Back to the topic, I just want to tell you my friend, with almost everyday practice for many years, people might not think you are better than any master in the past or any living master right now, but I really think my photos are way more interesting than any Taiwanese street photographer’s photo (even the “masters”) on the internet right now.



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