
Is checking in on IG or FB still helpful for marketing?

In recent years, using Instagram (IG) and Facebook (FB) for check-ins has become less effective as a marketing tool than it once was. Social media platforms have shifted toward more algorithm-driven content, where visibility depends on engagement (likes, comments, shares) rather than just user check-ins. Here are some key factors to consider: In conclusion, while

Is checking in on IG or FB still helpful for marketing? Read More »


近年來,在 Instagram (IG) 和 Facebook (FB) 上打卡作為行銷工具的效益已經沒有以前那麼顯著。社交媒體平台的演算法變化使得內容的曝光更多依賴互動性,而非單純的打卡行為。以下是一些主要的影響因素: 總的來說,打卡可以增加品牌的曝光度,但不再是行銷的主流方式。將其與其他互動形式和內容結合,才能達到更好的行銷效果。

現在在IG、FB上打卡真的還對行銷有幫助嗎? Read More »

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