
為什麼因為台灣產酒不產菸,就可以用危害大眾健康為理由禁止香菸拍廣告? 明明酒駕就是比肺癌更危險又直接危害大眾安全的問題? 更何況沒有醫學證明二手煙一定會讓人得到肺癌不是嗎?

為什麼因為台灣產酒不產菸,就可以用危害大眾健康為理由禁止香菸拍廣告? 明明酒駕就是比肺癌更危險又直接危害大眾安全的問題? 更何況沒有醫學證明二手煙一定會讓人得到肺癌不是嗎? Read More »

Why are there alcohol ads and commercials everywhere in Taiwan, but you don’t see any cigarette ads or commercials?

So, does alcohol not have any public health concerns? Shouldn’t alcohol ads be banned due to drunk driving being so common in Taiwan? Isn’t the reason alcohol ads aren’t banned in Taiwan because many companies actually produce alcohol?

Why are there alcohol ads and commercials everywhere in Taiwan, but you don’t see any cigarette ads or commercials? Read More »

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